
CMS 2024 Fair Market Value Compensation

 In CMS Announcements


Medicare Advantage and Part D commissions are now determined for 2024 Fair Market Value (FMV) for producer-level contracts.

Read the CMS Memorandum on 2024 FMV Compensation

Maximum Broker Compensation for 2024



FMV Compensation History

Year National CT, PA, DC CA, NJ PR PDP
2015 408/204 461/230 510/255 280/140 56/28
2016 429/215 483/242 536/268 294/147 63/32
2017 443/222 498/249 553/277 304/152 71/36
2018 455/228 511/256 567/284 312/156 72/36
2019 482/241 542/271 601/301 331/166 74/37
2020 510/255 574/287 636/318 350/175 78/39
2021 539/270 607/304 672/336 370/185 81/41
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