If you believe that fraud, waste or abuse has occurred, you may use one of the methods below to alert My Guided Solutions of the incident. For any incidents that are not submitted anonymously, please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous.
Compliance Hotline
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may leave a message without providing your name. If you leave a number, we will contact you to review your information.
Email our Compliance Team
Questions, concerns or details of an incident may be emailed to Compliance@GuidedMedicareSolutions.com. Please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous. Along with any individuals, be sure to include the name of the organization involved in the incident.
Online Form
We have provided an online incident form that you may fill out and submit electronically. If you experience any issues with the form, please email Compliance@GuidedMedicare.com.
Postal Mail
Mail written correspondence marked confidential to:
My Guided Solutions
Compliance Department
4211 W Boy Scout Blvd
Suite 800
Tampa, FL 33607