Lupe Farias

Lupe is our New Business Specialist and works out of San Antonio, Texas location. Raised in Eastern WA, she joined our team in 2021. She enjoys music, dancing, and traveling. Lupe spends most of [...]

Eric Clarkson

Eric was born and raised in West Virginia.  He joined Baldwin Risk Partners (BRP) as a Marketing Coordinator in July of 2021 as part of the Guided Medicare Solutions (formerly Agency RM) team.  [...]

Crystal Hoskins

Crystal recently joined Guided Medicare Solutions in 2021 as the Administrative Assistant. In this position, Crystal works closely with her team to provide assistance as needed. In her role she [...]

Juan Farias

Juan is our Licensed Sales Manager for our San Antonio, TX office. Raised in Eastern WA, he started with our sister company (VibrantUSA) in 2010 and comes with a wealth of Medicare senior [...]


Abigail Valentine

Abby joined Guided Medicare Solutions in early 2022 after beginning her time with BRP at VibrantUSA in 2021. Originally from Vermont, Abby moved to Oregon for school and graduated from Oregon [...]

Samantha George

Samantha loves helping people. Seeing a person experience relief, joy, success, or fulfillment as a result of her service to them is what feeds her soul. After spending over 20 years in the [...]


Tavish began his career writing software for an international logistics management company in 2018. He later joined the software development team at Guided Medicare Solutions where he develops, [...]


Nicole joined Baldwin Risk Partners(BRP) as a New Business Specialist in 2020. As a New Business Specialist Nicole is responsible for implanting new contracts for our partner agencies and [...]


Gavin Hills

Gavin worked for VibrantUSA building a customer relationship management software system utilized by insurance agents while he was attending Oregon State University. After graduating with a B.S. [...]

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